Abstract Submission

【Submission Guidelines】

On 21 October 2024, the Conference will host a symposium where interested researchers, scholars, site managers and heritage specialists will have the chance to share their work and research through oral or poster presentations. 

1.Proposed Sub-Themes for the Symposium

The aim of this session is to explore and discuss global practices, knowledge and research around landscapes and heritage places in looking at research-practice collaborations established around three key themes: 

① Heritage management and sustainability

Sustainability is a widely used word in the context of heritage and heritage places are often referred to as drivers for sustainable and economic development. Heritage places around the world are facing increased challenges due to natural and man-made hazards as well as development pressures. Under this theme, authors should explore what sustainability and sustainable development and resilience means in relation to specific heritage places focusing on the benefits heritage places and their management can provide to people and communities. 

② Culture and nature linkages for effective heritage and landscape management

The recognition of nature-culture linkages and the adoption of integrated approaches for a more holistic view of heritage management and conservation has brought to improved management systems for heritage and it has highlighted the potential of heritage to deliver social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits to people and communities.

Authors should explore integrated approaches to the management of heritage places showcasing a range of different examples from traditional stewardship to overcoming institutional silos to enhance collaborative and integrated governance arrangements. 

③ Innovative heritage communication and dissemination of knowledge on heritage values

Communication plays an important role in the management and conservation of heritage places, from raising awareness on the importance of these places for communities and our planet, to finding innovative ways to engage the youth and wider public, to strengthening support for the heritage sector. Authors should explore ways, e.g., digital solutions, in which communication and dissemination of knowledge about heritage values can enable heritage managers, specialists and researchers enhancing management, conservation and interpretation efforts. 


Interested authors are encouraged to submit a short proposal using the proposal template, and the submission link is available below. The proposal should include an abstract of minimum 300 and maximum 500 English words.  

3.Abstract Acceptance

Proposals will be evaluated by the Conference Scientific Committee, made of representatives and invited specialists of BFU and the WHL programme and their networks, on the base of the following criteria:

● Relevance of the abstract to the theme of the Conference and the themes of the symposium;

● Originality and innovation of the approach/work presented;

● Solutions or approaches presented in the abstract and potential application to the wider heritage sector;

● Quality of the abstract and relevance of the team in relation to the work presented in the abstract (the abstract should present your original work/research). 

The selection process will furthermore ensure a fair representation of regions, cultures, and gender. 

4. Important Dates

The deadline for abstract submission is 24:00 (GMT+8), 15 July 2024.

Selected presenters will be informed via email after 15 August 2024 to be oral presenters or a poster. Subsequently, they can submit the final documents through the conference website as guided.

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  ICCROM(International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); 

       School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, China

International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

Beijing Forestry University

     china we-m.i.c.e. service group co.,ltd

     tel:+86 18268251630



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